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Life-saving hacks to deal the toddler tantrums!

Tantrums, how to deal with this issue.

Toddler tantrums! The scariest part of toddlerhood.

It is okay. Temper tantrums in children are common. By now, you should know what they are. And how to lovingly deal with the tantrums.

We will help with everything you are skeptical about in raising your child. We are one of the finest nursery schools in Dubai. Do not worry. We are your nearest nursery with a helping hand.

What are toddler tantrums? 

To put it down, it is the emotional meltdown of a child. Screaming, unexpected aggressive behavior, running away with anger, falling, and kicking are some tantrums. You are exhausted! You are confused. Isn’t it?

Don’t be.

Understand why tantrums happen. 

It is your child’s frustration of not being able to figure out something or not being able to complete a task. This is the only way their little brain can respond and they start screaming. They are too young to express themselves in words.

Tantrums can also be caused by hunger, tiredness, or illness. It is not a planned action from them to embarrass you in public. It is how they express their frustration. But for older children, it might be a learned behaviour.

Make tantrums less likely.


We will list a few tips to prevent tantrums. 
  1. Schedule a routine for your kid and stick to it. Your kid can benefit from the habit by learning to anticipate the day’s events and getting the necessary rest and sleep. Try and let us know in the comments.
  2. Imagine living with no choices. Can you do that? Even though children are young, they love to make choices. Let them choose, and do not bother them with a lot of NO.
  3. Praise them! They love it. Did they tidy up their toys? “Bravo! Mamma’s kid is lovely!” The extra attention to their good manners can bring a lot of change.
  4. Avoid situations if you know a tantrum might get triggered. The toy section and chocolate section while shopping. Of course, you can’t just make your child blind. But you can be clever not to go to these sections if a toy or chocolate is not on your budget.

But are these the best way to respond to tantrums?

Well, NO!

Respond with love, respect, and connection.

The best ways to respond to tantrums

  1. Be cool and understand what your little one is going through. If you shout and yell at them, there are chances your kid might imitate it. Things can go worse than the tantrum. Connect with your child on a personal level. It works 50% of the time. And you can put an end to that tantrum in a matter of seconds by hugging her.
  2. And slowly distract them from the triggered item or situation.
  3. Play, paint, or read a book that they love. Be with them and change the mood.
  4. Finally, use the cookie to let them know what your rules are.

Nothing is impossible if you play right. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to your toddler’s temper tantrums.

What if the tantrum gets worse?

Offer them a hug. You never know if your child is having a bad day. We all have been there. Hug them and calm them. Whisper to them it is okay and, a lot of Nos to all their emotional dilemmas.

It’s totally normal for your child to throw tantrums, but as time goes on and your child gets better at controlling themselves, it should start to be less of an issue. By the age of 3 and a half, most children begin to have fewer tantrums. If you feel like, you cannot control the tantrums and the child is causing harm to himself/herself consult with a doctor.

Tantrums, how to deal with this issue. Toddler tantrums! The scariest part of toddlerhood. It is okay. Temper tantrums in children are common. By now, you should know what they are. And how to lovingly deal with the tantrums. We will help with everything you are skeptical about in raising your child. We are one…